
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moving Along....

Let's check out our bedroom next.  Here it is in all its glory when we moved in:

 Lovely, don't you think?  The first thing to go was the fan.  A very close second was, of course, that happy flowery border.

Fast forward several months, and we finally broke out the paint brushes!  We used the same color as we used in our kitchen - Sherwin William's "Rain".

This is our very dear friend JP.  Contrary to what you may think, he is not just our friend because of his very useful height.  Also, although it looks like the menfolk are the only ones slaving away on this room, what you can't see is Jamie and I painstakingly giving the kitchen cabinets yet another coat of paint while all this is going on...

Here's the final(ish) product!

The furniture we already had.  The light fixture was thirty-five whopping bucks at World Market (we put it together with a simple light kit from Home Depot), and the big mirror and shelves over the bed are from Ikea.  I can't wait to get at those lamps and put up some more art, but it's improving!

Again, I don't have very complete picture of the room since I currently don't have a camera.  Sigh.  That's what happens when you leave it outside in the rain for three days.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someday soon I will no longer have that excuse...

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