
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Patch o' Pumpkins

Last weekend we made our yearly pilgrimage to do something fall-ish.  We returned to Old Baker Farm this year because (though we have nary a child) we have thoroughly perused the possibilities in our area, and found this one to be the champion.  This is the pumpkin/tractor/caramel apple/hay/corn maze/civil war re-enactment/horseshoe-making/petting zoo/sunflower seeker's paradise.  And they have a craft fair.  Mmmm hmmmm.  We went with JP, Jamie, Karlie, Noah (Jamie's brother) and kinda at the last minute, my parents and little brother Aaron, as well as my older brother Andrew and his wife Kiersten came down for the weekend!  The more the merrier...

Karlie (ever the star of the show):

JP & Jamie (of this sweet blog action):

Dad and...some sort of Corn Princess?:

Noah (looking thuuh-rilled):
*Note - Aaron, my younger bro is standing in the background, contemplating life*

Andrew, Kiersten & Baby-to-be:

Ever seen a more enthusiastic group of people?  Here are said enthusiasts, doing fallish things...


We're all looking a little tense about the great responsibility that lies before us.

Not to worry, though.  We succeeded famously:


  1. ok I can't believe how big your little brother is! i remember him from pcc being sooo tiny when he came to visit!!

    the random cow kinda threw me off. :)

    love the pic of you and hubs on the wagon with the sun light coming in! adorbs!

  2. Yay!! I've been waiting for these :) Looks like you had so much fun. Lovin' the sun flare, too, on the pic of you two.
