
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Happenings

Oh boy.  Have we ever had the good times since last time we chatted.  Goood times.  And lots of food.  And lots of family.

In fact, here they are now...

Anthony's twin brother, Andrew and his wife Rachel and their kiddos Alayna and Hannah all came from Ft. Worth, Texas.  Anthony's mom, Leslie came from Houston; and Anthony's sister Angela and her boyfriend Luke came from Pensacola, FL.  Oh, and Angela brought her two huskies.  Our house was at max capacity.  And max awesomeness.

Andrew and family were able to stay with us for a full week.  Everyone else came through just for a few days.  Here is the pictoral recounting of our time together (or, an excuse to post pictures of my super-cute nieces):

This is the day we went to the park.

This face is because she did NOT have a fun time walking a very hilly half mile to the park.  In her boots.

Someone thinks she has to be a part of the action...

Rachel and I put our cooking skillz together for the big day.  Oh, and Mom Johnson personally took care of the giblet gravy.  She had a mild fit when she saw us trying to throw away that cute little bag of turkey innards, so we told her if she wanted them she could go for it.  I don't really like gravy, sooo giblet away, Mom.  Giblet away.

Andrew stepped in to turn the turkey at the appropriate time...

Here's the bounty we ended up with

 (You can thank hungry little Alayna for the gash in the middle of our picture-perfect turkey)

 We have so much to be thankful for.  Not the least of which is finally getting to sit down and eat!

Here we are at yet another park...

What a photogenic little group of people.  I'm not sure these pictures accurately describe the great time we had, but I'll just tell you...it was pretty great.  We were sad to see them all go.  And boy is our house quiet.


  1. Yay! Your feast looks amazing. . .I didn't manage to get much in the way of pictures of our food. . .maybe next year :)

  2. Your dinner looks AMAZING!! Happy times! :)

  3. Someone is making good use of her new camera! And, how much does your oldest niece look like Anthony? Or, I guess, her father...I mean, they are twins...but, those are some Anthony expressions!
