
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pom-Pom Fest

I've been ogling pom-pom things on Pinterest for quite some time.  Who doesn't love a fuzzy, colorful round thing that could be a garland, a flower, a vase filler, a rug, jewelry, or any number of other things?  Some would suggest that the answer to this pom-pom craving lies in a shiny new pom-pom maker.  I suggest that you've got two pom-pom makers attached to the end of your arms - and I'm going to show you how to fire them up.

Finally getting around to trying this out, is a result of the Pinterest challenge issued by Sherry at YHL and Katie at Bower Power. They teamed up with fellow-bloggers Erin and Ana to get some projects out of all this pinning!  Here's my Pinterest inspiration:

Ready for this?  All you need is some yarn.  Well...and a pair of scissors, but really.... 

You can make these puppies bigger or smaller depending on what you wrap your yarn around.  They can also be fuller or more sparse depending on how many times you wrap it. The pom-pom possibilities are truly endless.  For mine, I used two or three fingers wrapped about seventy-five times. 

When you're done wrapping, slide the yarn off your fingers, and allow the blood to begin circulating again.  Now.  Cut a piece of yarn large enough to easily wrap around the yarn ball you've created.

Then, do just that!

Now, just give those looped sides a good snip!

Time for a pom-pom trim.  I wanted them to be a little messy, so I didn't over-think this stage...

There you have it!

Now this particular pom-pom is destined to be a flower.  Soooo, it's off to the yard to find a few sticks.  And some acorns while I'm at it. 

I just poked the pom-poms onto the sticks, threw them in a vase with a little acorn filler, and...poof!  Magic.

So, what do you think?  Got any awesome pom-pom uses?  I'm liking that these yarn blooms are saving me a few bucks as stand-ins to fresh flowers.  When I get sick of them perhaps I'll reincarnate them into a garland...


  1. I love this so much. I'm stealing acorns sometime soon!

  2. Cute blog!!! I came on by from YHL to check out your Pinterest. Love the pom poms. May have to give that a try myself :) I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more!

  3. Love this idea and can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I really love this! It is really cute! I'm thinking about trying your idea in some garland for xmas maybe? That would be a lot of pom poms though... :) Thanks for linking up!

  5. Thanks y'all! You're welcome to the acorns...I've got acorns to spare ;)

  6. Love, love, love, the pom poms sister mine!! I am going to go do this right now. . .well, actually I have to make lunch & take care of poor Jordan. . .but first chance I get. . .I have yarn & an awesome vase. . .that will be a perfect addition to my fall mantel.

  7. How cute are these? I'd love to make a short little vase filled with them for my bedside tables :)

    PS: I love your ceramic rhino! That sucker is already on my Christmas list.. too soon?

    xo Catharine @ Your Modern Couple

  8. I really like these, they're so cute! I love that you used real sticks, it gives them a much more natural look :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Best of luck on scoring the rhino, Catharine ;)

  10. so fun - love the yellow!

