
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lolly Bars

I simply can't get over these things.  I could seriously eat the entire pan. By myself.  In....oh...maybe a day?  Twelve hours?  Who am I kidding.  Probably three hours.  So good!  And sort of healthy. Unless you eat the entire pan.

I got this recipe from a friend at church...not sure where she got her hands on it.  But I sure am glad she did.  In honor of her fantastic discovery, I've officially named them after her.

I don't know if that's legal.

First, melt together the peanut butter (I use Smuckers Natural...it is surprisingly...natural.  There's a rather large amount of sugar in most peanut butters.  But you probably knew that.), butter, coconut oil (you can use butter instead of this, but the coconut oil makes an identical final product while being a tad healthier), and honey.

Remove the pan from the heat and add the oats, wheat germ, and craisins.

 Throw the whole pan in the refrigerator for a while til it's pretty cool.  Add the chocolate chips and coconut.  I actually sorta prefer regular sized chocolate chips...they don't melt so easily while mixing at this stage, but mini is what I had on hand last night when the craving struck.

Sidenote: how is it possible that all the fancy food bloggers I've ever seen only prepare food in perfect sunlight with magical countertops and no dirty dishes or peanut butter jars in the background?  Do they never make anything at ten o' clock at night just because it needs to be eaten pronto?

 Prepare a 9x13 pan by laying down some wax paper.  We're not going for super neat or anything...

 Throw it all in there and spread it out somewhat evenly.

Prepare yourself for a monumental task.  Put it in the refrigerator until it has cooled.  Ugh.  Worst part ever.  I always dig out a little while I wait.

And you're done!  I think they taste a lot like no-bake cookies.  Am I the only adult left on the planet who will still admit to loving no-bake cookies?  I hope that didn't cause you to abandon the possibility of making these.  They're the best no-bake cookies you'll ever have.  Hope you scarf them down love them as much as I do!


  1. Oooh! This is exactly the kind of healthy recipe I can turn unhealthy by eating it in large quantities. YUM. And this line: "I don't know if that's legal" made me laugh out loud. :)

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

    1. The ones I made the night before last for this post? Gone. Consumed. Sigh. But so good :) And of course, I blame most of the consumption upon my husband...

  2. I made these the other day and only had mini chips. In my impatience, I put them in while it was still too warm so they all melted. Still very good, but I need to try it again the correct way! Yummy! -Danielle

    1. I've done that several times...and you're right, still fantastic :) My favorite chips to use are the Ghirardelli dark or semi-sweet - they're so big and juicy ;)

  3. I made these last weekend. I really liked them. I'm not sure they set up exactly how they should have, but that were amazing. I had to keep them in the fridge to keep them from getting too soft. Still amazing though :)

    1. I probably should have mentioned that...they do work best if you keep them in the refrigerator. I love them good and cold :)

    2. :) They are amazing cold. I told my mom all about these and we were going to make some, but she didn't have any Chocolate Chips or Wheat Germ. I'm definitely passing the recipe on though. Thanks for sharing.
