
Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Keepin' it real.  That's what this is all about.  Sooo, here's the weekend recap:

We went to Trivia Night at La Reunion, Friday night.  This is our new favorite thing to do.  Perhaps because we are so boring, or perhaps because Anthony is killer at trivia, or perhaps because it always involves coffee (and sometimes chocolate cake). 


We went yard saling Saturday morning.  For the first time in a while!  As aforementioned, I'm trying to share our fabulous finds for a variety of reasons...not the least of which is to keep me from buying something ridiculous.  Here's what we ended up with this week...

Thrilling, yes?  I forgot to picture a clothes drying rack, buuut I'm pretty sure you can imagine.  It looks like a clothes drying rack.  Anthony also picked up a really nice receiver and speakers for a friend.  The lamp shade is a brand new Pottery Barn shade, the basket is a bike basket (but I shall re-purpose that in a heart beat), the cords are Anthony's...who knows what for.  The vase will be painted (no surprise), and hopefully I can scrape the schmutz off the candle pedestals (but if not, that's what the candle is for - to cover it up!).  Grand total? $21 - including the receiver and speakers.  Just the stuff pictured (and the drying rack) was $8.

As of right now, here are the candle pedestals:

Lookin' all fallish and adorable on my dining room table.  And the bike basket is corraling cleaning supplies above my washer and dryer:

 I can only hope that the awesomeness of the basket makes up for the terribleness of the picture.

We shall see about the rest of my treasures...I'll keep you posted.

Saturday night we watched the Alabama/LSU game (along with every other red-blooded Alabamian).  I tell you what.  Football is something serious around these parts.  I pretty much show up for the food...

I took Mexican Sushi and chocolate-covered strawberries.  I wish my camera hadn't run out of batteries the moment we got there...there was so. much. food.  It was lovely.  The manly men set up a projector outside and we snuggled up to a couple of fire pits and drank lots of coffee and hot chocolate.  It was highly enjoyable!

Sunday we had church.  In the afternoon I made Pumpkin Tea Cookies to take to a baby shower that evening.  These are Anthony's favorite.

That pretty much sums it up!  Oh, and Darcy mangled a pillow I made.  THAT sums it up.  Looking back, it seems most of our activities center around food...  Must be the cold weather :)