
Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Good Monday, to you all.  I suppose the best things to focus on, on this first day of the work week, is what a lovely time we had this past weekend.  So here goes.

Friday we went to Trivia Night.  Of course.  We're becoming regular fixtures there.

We did not win.  Not even close.  But the winners did give us one of their gift cards because we're trivia pals.

Saturday we said a tearful goodbye to our faithful '97 Buick Century.  Yes I was rocking a 70-year-old's car.  She really was a magnificent vehicle.  In all of her ugliness.  Then someone backed into me and totaled her. 

Should I be offended that this damage was able to total my darling vehicle?  I guess it was a little worse than it looked, but still... 

It did help that the other guy's insurance paid us six hundred dollars more than we paid for our car five years ago!

We were able to get over all the sadness sufficiently to welcome this baby into our lives...

Imagine what we can haul home from garage sales in this thing!  Woot!  Literally...that's what Anthony is most excited about.  It's a 2005 Acura MDX and boy did we get a good deal on it.

I also did a few Christmasy things about the house (and my amazing husband put Christmas lights up on the outside!  Aaaak!), but I'll have to give you the full run down another time.

Until then!