
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

21 Weeks

Soooo...this baby of ours is pretty cute.  So cute, in fact, that I feel I must subject you to regular pictures of him.  Like it or not.

I got this particular idea from the oh-so-awesome duo at Young House Love, and have been quite faithful in snapping a picture of my little darling every Tuesday.  It's our thing.  My version is not so professional, but I think the cuteness will seep through regardless of the imperfect lighting and lack of an eight billion dollar lens...

Today my little one is 21 Weeks old!

Happy Valentine's Week!  This week Silas perfected the art of making raspberry noises with his mouth, and ALMOST rolled over from his back to his stomach.  He's been a pro at rolling the other way for quite a while.

And to catch you up:

Lest you be too concerned, please note that this blog will not be completely babyfied from here on out...but really.  I can't help myself every once in a while.


  1. He is so stinkin' adorable. Seriously. Cutest baby ever!! :)

  2. Does he not ever get scrathecs or rashes or mysterious red marks...yeesh...his skin is perfect every Tuesday!?!? ;)

  3. Ha! He does...I guess just not bad enough to stand out too much :) He had a pretty bad scratch on his cheek week 20, but his head is tilted just right so you can't see it. Such a helpful little model ;)
